German-Austrian relations in 2024

German-Austrian relations in 2024

by Meme1nat0r

  1. Thank god Austria dropped a new Mozart single to ward off some steam, some austrian artists just keep on giving

  2. Well, this is like an EU microcosmos.

    We like them, but we will always talk shit about them. Same as we Europeans like us, but we will always talk shit about them. Except some external people talk shout about them

  3. Imagine you are austrian and have to do this weird accent for the german tourists for the whole day. Must be exhausting. They have my biggest respect.

  4. *Austrians are just silly mountain Germans pretending to be French.

    Vienna 🤝 Paris having shit people living in it (they both have croissant too)

  5. We really dont care and to us they are just german like people (who took the wrong turn on the Autobahn).Very little real estate in my mind for Austrians. When they say hateful shit, I just think “weird” and move on.

    Also convince me they are not “silly mountain germans” I am waiting.

  6. I don’t understand why they keep ‘Aus’ in German. Just say you’re from Tria when speaking English.

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