‘Morning Joe’ Mocks $100,000 Watch Trump’s Selling to Fans: ‘Can You Imagine if the Democrats Were Doing Something Like This?’ | Video

‘Morning Joe’ Mocks $100,000 Watch Trump’s Selling to Fans: ‘Can You Imagine if the Democrats Were Doing Something Like This?’ | Video


Posted by Constant_Club6585

  1. These scams just scream 90’s late night infomercials with a has been actor/athlete trying sell you something.

  2. Can you imagine the look on Rick Hatrison’ s if some dummy brings this watch into his shop in 5 years looking to get their asking 100k for this.

  3. It is just another way for foreign influence groups to funnel him money. They will buy 20 or 100 without consequences.

  4. And they are not only overpriced beyond reason, and ugly, and tasteless, they are also made in CHINA!

  5. He’s not selling it to “fans” he’s creating an untraceable market for foreign investors to have influence in american politics. It can be bought with bitcoin and cost $100,000 he couldn’t telegraph his intentions any clearer.

  6. First if Democrats did something stupid like this they would try to make it affordable for all Americans not just 1 percenters.

  7. Trump’s “Swiss Made” watch company is only 2 months old and named TheBestWatchesonEarth LLC based in Wyoming USA


    The watch company shares its address with a company called Royal Honey Shop that sells erectile disfunction products.


    This is truly an historic event in the world of watches, the $100,000 tourbillon erectile disfunction watch is a horological *débâcle*.

  8. “Kamala is out of touch with the common American!”, they screech, as their guy hawks $100K watches. Make it make sense.

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