Just seen this and struggling to process

Just seen this and struggling to process

by Moonraker985

  1. Usually it’s because the route goes between two different lines, so they roll the carriage onto a trailer and transport it to the other line by road and then it continues on its journey. Quite entertaining when you are a passenger!

  2. Central line train with new/refurbished bogies. They transport them by road as it’s too hard to move them by rail to/from central line to Acton works due to different signalling and train stop systems.

  3. Not sure why this particular Central line unit was on the road, but Allelys is well-known for ability to move massive things by road. Moving a single unit like this would be nothing compared to some things they’ve done.

    Some [interesting case studies](https://allelys.co.uk/case-studies/) on their website.

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