Protect the kids from cloth, not pedophiles.

Posted by TryDry9944

  1. After Trump’s rape verdict, he really lost credibility when it comes to tackling pedophiles.

  2. I would beat the ever-living shit out of anyone who looks at my little girl the way Trump looks at his own daughter….

  3. Which one spends a ton of money on a professional hair dresser?

    GOP, the party of Family Values and Fiscal Conservatives…

  4. What is really hard to understand about conservatives is that none of this matters.

    There could be full-on video of trump raping Ivanka when she’s 9 years old, and my in-laws would call me a dumb woke liberal for bringing it up. They would say that what matters is policy, and then when I challenge them on policy, they would say that what matters is character, and if I bring up the rapes, they would tell me. I’m not a good Christian like Trump is and I can never understand because I’m not biblically aligned like they are.

    None of this matters to a trump voter.

    He is using Hitler’s Playbook, but they call Democrats fascists.

    The only way to send any kind of message to these people is shunning and shaming. That is it. They simply are not allowed in my home, in my orbit, in polite Society, and I will not do business with them.

    If you are going to a restaurant that is owned by a republican, stop going.

    If you keep inviting your Republican friend over to your house, because he is a great guy other than the Nazi stuff, stop inviting him.

    Why would you allow these child predators anywhere near your home or family? Why would you make your family feel unsafe? These are literally the people who think that it’s not only acceptable, but presidential behavior, to grab women by the pussy. Stop letting them near your family members.

  5. Wtf? He didn’t put tampons in boys’ locker rooms. Why even pretend he did to make a pointless comparison.

  6. We really need citations for these posts: Trump is such a scumbag that I keep finding out this shit is real two weeks later.

  7. but he didn’t put tampons in boys bathrooms, to my knowledge

    i believe the whole thing to be bullshit

  8. I’m guessing he expected his mugshot to look kinda badass, but instead he looks really really constipated.

  9. The first part isn’t even true. The law just requires that at least one bathroom supplies tampons. There are a few dual use locker rooms that are used by girls from visiting sports teams. This whole thing about boys’ bathrooms is a lie, but I don’t see why it would matter anyway.

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