Alpine superiority

Alpine superiority

by Meme1nat0r

  1. There’s exactly zero superiority here. All have been conquered by the prussians, my humble self included

  2. Sorry neighbourino but absolutely nobody here even talks about you. And the whole Germany thing faded away like ten years ago.

    Today it’s more like “my country is so shitty for doing this and that!” – “I know, right? Feel ya, heard of what bs we’re pulling?!” – “Hell yeah, that’s ridicolous.” – “Everyone below 40 is so fucked.” – “Yap. We’re fucked.” – “Santé, love you mate.” – “Pröschtli, love you mein Freund”.

  3. Thats why we prefer the swampies. They know they are german blood and we know that our opinion there doesnt matter. We get along, drink one or 10 beer, smoke a doobie together and beat each other up over (Insert random Sport Event). Then we got these mountain hillbillies. Fucked up both of our empires for no reason, are basicily germans married to their sisters and talk non stop about us, bc thats what keeps them away from beeing completly irrelevant. That and the fact that the english term is so similar to australia (prob the only reason 80% of human ever heard of them)

  4. I wish my austrian boyfriend was as obsessed with my bootyhole as he is with Germany’s existence

  5. How about we and the germans (the asshole always name themselves first) team up against the Swiss for once?

  6. You guys are like Bavaria but somehow more freaky. What was that about Austrians, their families and basements?

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