Russian soldier hit by grenade immediately commits suicide with his rifle

Russian soldier hit by grenade immediately commits suicide with his rifle

by -Apex__Predator-

  1. Everytime I see someone tag FalseGod I just wanna ask the person if they are doing ok? They are tagged for every suicide now and that’s gotta wear on a soul. Thanks for the reporting but if you need to take a breath you should

  2. Wtf , he was going for the rifle before the grenade even hit.

    Man, his circumstances must have been dire.

  3. There was already a bunch of smoke so maybe he got hit before and went “aight, I’m outta here”?

  4. i mean, its definitely not like anything is gonna go well for him at that point. may as well take the easy way out….

  5. The lack of hesitation is always what gets me. I get why, but it’s disturbing every time.

  6. Do Russians see these videos? Doesn’t this person have a community to support and protest his death?

  7. It looks to me like it’s wasn’t the first grenade dropped on this guy. Probably why he is already trying to end it before the drop we see happens

  8. Why even bother coming to Ukraine? He could have done it at home and save Russia the travel costs. Simple as that!

  9. If only russians did this before they started their invasion, everything would be alright. They should be trained to start their invasion by blowing their brains out first….and then…well, there is no war.

  10. i feel sorry for him, im not looking at sides, i just see a human scared, away from their family, forced to be there, it was the smartest choice, its better than bleeding out slowly, i just wish this war never started.

  11. Russian mindset is one of hopelessness for people to take such a drastic action. My guess is they all talk about how others are left to die and just give up.

    The Ukrainians try their best to rescue their wounded and even take risks retrieving their dead. I’m not saying no one on the Ukrainian side doesn’t kill themselves, but the ratio is a lot lower.

  12. It’s crazy they all have this programed in them from the second they get sent to the front. Kill yourself if you come into any fire it seems.

  13. Guess that was better than surrendering and being subjected to the horror of a hot meal /s/

  14. Can’t these guys just do this without throwing grenades at them first? Just save us the trouble please and end it.

  15. you can clearly see dust or smoke from the previous drop so he probably was on his way to do it already before the drop we see here.

    Should have stayed home.

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