What kind of snake(?) is this?

Could be a slow worm but I’m just not sure! Absolutely tiny – approx 4” long and 4-6mm wide. Spotted tonight down in Kent.

by bordercollie_adhd

  1. Slow worm
    Cute little guys and utterly harmless they’re a legless lizard rather than a snake

  2. Not to be confused with the abasynnian tripe adder .I’ve heard they’ve been seen in the home counties.

  3. Specifically, it seems to be a baby slow worm – adults are a uniform dark bronze / brown colour, but babies seem to have this yellow with a black stripe colour. I’ve never seen a juvenile but that’s what the internet says. The grownups are longer than 4 inches too

  4. Slow worm, whatever you do don’t kill it ( I know you won’t just some sadistic assholes out there) they’re a protected species too

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