Russian POWs getting shelled and killed by Russian artillery while surrendering near Kurakhiv. September 2024

Russian POWs getting shelled and killed by Russian artillery while surrendering near Kurakhiv. September 2024

by jisooya1432

  1. From source:

    https:// t . me /mechanized33/406

    Perhaps this was the order of the officer of the Russian army when they hit a column of their own servicemen. During another assault in the direction of Kurakhiv, our brigade and neighbors on the flanks managed to stop a column of equipment. Later that day, a group of Russians was able to land in our zone of responsibility.

    Through bombastic negotiations, the Russian visitors made the right decision – to surrender. 7 of them got off the landing, but theres a catch; the Russian army launched a valiant attack on their own. A few were successfully mowed down – not all of them ended up in the good hands of our brigade.

  2. This is hands down some of the craziest war footage I’ve seen. We’ve all heard rumors and seen clips of Russian forces targeting their own who’ve surrendered, but this video takes it to another level. They’re *literally* using artillery. It blows my mind. Tells you everything you need to know about how messed up that society is.

  3. I guess they don’t even want to trade POWs…maybe they go by the motto “once a coward, always a coward”? lol. It makes sense when you consider the average quality of a russian soldier vs UA.

  4. It’s crazy to me how quick people are to believe something just because it’s what they’ve been told in the title. So far zero evidence this was their own artillery

  5. how do we know its russian arty? could just as well be ukrainian? seeing as there is no ukrainians around and they surrendered to a drone

  6. I’ll just say it again…

    Russians are their very own worst enemy.

    The Mongol invasions, I swear that really, really fucked them up culturally, as a mindset. The unabashed lying, gaslighting, the depravity and brutality that is normalized in mainstream Russian society….

  7. And don’t forget kids, not only should your squad disperse when your moving toward the enemy, but you also disperse when

  8. Guess Russia hasn’t strayed away from their ww2 tactics of killing their own troops that run away or surrender.

  9. You’re not a POW unfortunately until you are behind barbed wire eating your red cross rations. It’s a shame they were doing the right thing.

  10. Nothing says ruski muir more than this type of murder. This is among the more sick and demented acts of the war, killing your own because they surrender.

  11. When will these people finally understand that their government thinks they are worthless pawns?

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