Real duration of russia’s war with Ukraine and the role of the NATO and the USA in it. Full video on YouTube, link in comments.

Real duration of russia’s war with Ukraine and the role of the NATO and the USA in it. Full video on YouTube, link in comments.

by Zamist_Krovi

  1. Very pretty girl, and I am pro-Ukrainian and against Russia aggression, but the content she delivers is historically very questionable. Also, interesting choice of setting and overall appearance. It is definitely very well prepared.

  2. That is a very strong argument. It is almost as if they are just looking for excuses to do what they have been waiting to do for so long.

    If someone traveled back in time before the invasion to show Putin how the war is going, he wouldn’t call the invasion off, he would just come up with some other losing strategy.

  3. Ehhh, I feel like this is an easy way to get people to not give a fuck about the conflicts you quickly turn it into “Well they have been fighting for hundreds of years, who gives a shit” mindset that we saw with Israel at the start of that conflict.

    I feel like putting emphasis on the fact that it’s a imperialist dictator who’s solution to building a relationship to with its neighbor is to flatten their cities has a bigger impact than “country been mean to another for 1000 years but it’s different this time we swear”.

  4. Similarly, western audiences are mostly ignorant of the rich Kyivian/Ukrainian and Ruthenian heritage in the houses of Western Europe during this time period. Many Kyivian noblewomen married into the English, Scottish, French, Hungarian, German, Polish, and Italian hereditary elite during this time and brought retinues with them.

  5. The Muscovites are robber barons and cleptocrats; everything of value in Russia is stolen, including the name.

  6. Добре сказано! Вони знають лише ненависть і упередження. І зроблять це знову. І знову.

  7. We used to kill “Red coats” on a minute by minute basis after they tried to get too demanding and over step. We in the west understand it COMPLETELY!

  8. I’ve met dozens upon dozens of Ukrainians and each and every one of them understands this, that Russia as a state will ALWAYS attack its neighbors until Democracy is created and independence is given to all occupied territories.

    Every Ukrainian, Chechen, Georgian (So on) that I have met knows this.

    Yet, many Westerners, do not understand, or refuse to acknowledge this basic truth. It makes sense that Russians wouldn’t, as they are surrounded by an oppressively system designed to hide the truth, but the fact that Westerners, who have all the reasons to know better, do not understand this as well, is so confusing.

  9. She is quite the historian. Accurate and straightforward – describing the underlying causes and long standing conflict that russia perpetuates. Молодець!! Я буду показувати та поширювати ваші публікації, зокрема цю, усім! Більше людей тут, на заході, повинні розуміти ці моменти та наполягати на продовженні та постійної підтримки України.

  10. When you reach as far back as 12th century to describe national adversity, you are only doing it because it to support your point. I can assure you no person living in 12th century within current day borders of both Ukraine and Russia believed themselves to be of any nation. The concept of nations is relatively new, any person arguing otherwise is disingenuous

    Otherwise yeah. Russia was supposed to reflect on its colonial days, and it almost appeared as if there was a glimmer hope when national republics started discussing independence. Alas, it didn’t lead to any lasting effects

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