Apple reportedly cooperating with Russia to quietly remove VPN apps from App Store – 9to5Mac

Apple reportedly cooperating with Russia to quietly remove VPN apps from App Store – 9to5Mac

Security Bite: Apple pulls dozens of VPN apps from App Store in Russia

by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. Do no evil.

    Do a little evil.

    Do as much evil as is necessary to keep the shareholders happy.

    Evil is actually pretty profitable and we can’t let the competitors get a stranglehold on the Russian market.

    Do lots of evil.

  2. That’s not good, we need to investigate Apple to publish the findings. Profit over human rights violation. This issue needs to be addressed & Tim Cook needs to be addressed on human rights violation with cooperating with Putin.

  3. Well in Apple’s defence they probably can’t do much. Apple’s Russian business is probably all done through a Russian company that they had to register quite some time ago. Simply put, it was probably the decision of OOO Apple, not Apple, Inc. Anyway, if you were smart enough, you would have had an American or European Apple account by now

  4. I don’t know why the money-laundering loophole of the app stores haven’t been shut down in Russia.

    They haven’t stopped Russian apps from being sold/making IAP.

    That means that all these controls on currency are invalidated by putting up some shitty IP with In-App-Purchases and having people pay your “game” in gift cards.

    App Store and Play Store should be unavailable inside Russia altogether.

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