Poverty in Argentina soars to over 50% as Milei’s austerity measures hit hard

Poverty in Argentina soars to over 50% as Milei’s austerity measures hit hard


Posted by polymute

  1. My girlfriend is Argentinian with plenty of family and friends still there she’s in constant contact with. We were also both there earlier this year.

    Despite plenty of headlines since he got elected trying to promote him and his supposed economic successes, often with very limited or clearly twisted data, it’s been obvious what the real impact has been.

    This is not meant as a defense of the peronists that came before. Obviously they managed the economy terribly. But Milei’s shock doctrine style gutting of the state has been a disaster of a different kind.

  2. I will be happy for argentinians to be proven wrong, but i’m seriously doubtful these rampant austerity measures will lead to any significant improvements; especially within Milei’s tenure.

  3. To be fair it was almost half before he was elected. This was also going to happen sooner or later Milei just made it sooner. We can only hope that the long term turns out better for everyone

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