Anyone else have a wtf moment when they first realized the scale of S-Mafia and S-Bonus in Finland? Almost anything in this country has an S-ryhmä/mafia version of it

by SufficientlyInfo

  1. I once tought that it would be fun if there were S-apartments also. And maybe S-cars?

    Imagine waking up in your S-apartment, driving to S-work with your S-car. Spending weekend in S-hobbies.

    Imagine the amount of bonus 🤩

  2. wtf? S-Mafia? it´s not S-Mafia, it´s S-Co-ownership- S. Ryhmä is a “osuuskauppa”, so everyone who join´s it for a marginal fee is kind of co-owner. It´s meaning is to have services for it´s owners all around country. They even keep shop´s in places where it is not that profitable, just for their owner´s to have a shopping place there.

    You really should look up the “osuuskauppa” and it´s meaning. Ofcourse, thsedays even I have some critical insight´s of it and how it work´s, but the idea how this has formed is still in there.

    It´s not like K-group. K group shop´s are owned by invidual persons who are trying to gain much as profit they can, as S-group stores are managed by the corporation and controlled pricing.

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