PA’s Abbas sends condolences to Hezbollah over Nasrallah’s assassination

PA’s Abbas sends condolences to Hezbollah over Nasrallah’s assassination

Posted by aWhiteWildLion

  1. SS: Palestinian Autthority President Mahmoud Abbas issued a concise condolence message to the Lebanese people on the death of Nasrallah. The PLO umbrella organization also published a statement in which it expressed regret and called for an urgent end to the war “against the Palestinians and the Lebanese.” In Ramallah there was also a demonstration against Israel this evening in which pictures of Nasrallah were hoisted.

  2. A corrupted dictator living in a 10 million $ mansion, who has a PHD in holocaust denial, whos official education system teaches kids to murder Jews and one of his biggest expenses is pay per slay rewards… Is actually sympathizing with a terrorist? Not really shocking, but good to know.

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