It’s Late Thread [ 28 September 24 ]

Wahey, it's late, it's Saturday night!

Why are you still up? Off out for a fight? Doing the night shift?

Come on in for a chat.

by AutoModerator

  1. got home from work, finally got my PC set up, flight sim downloaded (I’ve developed a new obsession with planes)… and it wants a 130GB mandatory update :((( I’m trying to see if I can fight off sleep long enough to take off in a cessna

  2. My 1 week old daughter has just been fed and I’m letting her mum go for a 3 hour nap until the next feed.
    Crazy Saturday night! Hope everyone else is living it up

  3. I’m snuggled in bed reading right now. 

    Today I persuaded someone to try my favourite type of tea next time they are buying some 😁 The conversation also has me wanting to try Whittards hot chocolate again – the last time I did, it tasted like rotten fish 🤢

    I’ve been watching Father Brown…I think I might get the stories, because I am enjoying them!!

  4. Went to see Shaun Of The Dead for the 20th anniversary.

    I remember vividly seeing it all those years ago as a 20 year old.

    Tonight I went to see it with my brother and nephew who is now 21, and I nearly had a fucking existential crisis realising that my nephew would have been the size of a small bag of cat litter when I first saw it.

  5. New glasses have been ordered and the hedges have been cut. Decided to reward myself for my productivity by watching college football all afternoon alongside playing BG3. Barnsley managed to take the shine off but at least Yorkshire got promoted today. Going to see how long I can stay up for as it’s Georgia v Alabama in a bit.

  6. Can’t seem to sleep lately. Super tired but my brain won’t shut up. I think it’s been so used to stress for so long that it’s trying to find things to loop over and over but there’s nothing atm. Very strange feeling. Not sure how to reset my pattern before Monday. Gonna be rough if I don’t. Gonna just brush my teeth and lay watching good old bob ross on YouTube until I slip into unconsciousness. Like usual tbh.

  7. In another five minutes I will have completed my seventieth journey round the sun. I can’t make my mind up but I think the other side has better views!

  8. I seem to have slipped into a slump. I’m not someone who usually gets feels on a Sunday night about going back to work, but apparently give me a month off and I’ll get the feels on Saturday instead. 

    I think the physio exercises are working?! Like it’s still sore but it’s not as sore. 

    Since there is no question tonight I’m bringing back a goal related one that I want to answer: how are the resolutions/goals going?

    I’ve just had a search of my post history to see what I said I wanted to do in 2024 to see how I’m getting on… 
    > be selfish and put myself first.

    9 months into 2024 and I wouldn’t call it being selfish anymore… 

    > Read more consistently.

    Hahaha, no. I’m at 1 book for 2024…. 

    > Focus on keeping my mental health stable. Positively stable that is.

    Yes and no. 

    > Find a house and buy it.


    > buy myself 2 housewarming presents (lighthouse lego & posh towels)

    I’ve bought the posh towels, waiting until November sales for the Lego. 

    > brush my teeth 732 times.

    Ish. I’ve probably dropped a couple of weekend mornings here and there, but mostly on track! 

    > go back to Scotland twice.

    Maybe. I went in Feb & should be going back for work in a week or so. 

    > spend at least one night in a fancy hotel for my birthday.

    Yes, did 2. 

    > Theatre – one a month for the whole year.

    FAIL. One thing this year so far, but hopefully increasing that to 2 in October… basically starting this again (for the third time) in September. 

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