Trump’s Project 2025 Hurricane Plan

Trump’s Project 2025 Hurricane Plan

Posted by oblongsalacia

  1. This is cringe because this is like when boomers on Facebook post a picture of high gas prices and empty shelves and say “this is what a preview of socialism looks like!”…

    Except it’s happening now under capitalism…

    This is the exact same…

    We’re dealing with the effects of climate change right now… while Dems are in charge…

  2. Remember his Covid plan? It was literally “Do Nothing“. He pretended he had a plan, but all he ever actually did was nothing.

    Even Melania’s empty slogan was better.

  3. Delusional liberals still think trump is involved with project 2025. You sheep really just believe anything the left media spits at you.

  4. Both people were are and will be trump voters. They hate who they were, are, and will hate into the future no matter what he says/does….but will always be voting to be able to keep that hate strong. “ I hate your fema socialist funds but if I do t take them some dirty dem will sooo”

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