Not all cultures equally valid, says Kemi Badenoch

Not all cultures equally valid, says Kemi Badenoch

by LJA170

  1. I kind of agree.

    I identify with the culture that drinks too much beer and eats a whole 12″ spicy pizza to themselves, while simultaneously shitposting online.

    If I’m honest, I don’t think my culture should be given equal validity.

  2. She’s right. There are cultures that engage in slavery, child marriage, killing gays, killing rape victims, abducting boys and forcing them into fighting and so forth.

  3. I think a culture is just a shared set of ideas that define how we behave. Some ideas are better than others.

  4. > “We cannot be naïve and assume immigrants will automatically abandon ancestral ethnic hostilities at the border, or that all cultures are equally valid. They are not.

    I can’t stand Kemi generally but I can’t find fault in her words here. I think a lot of people think that one giant melting pot of hundreds of ideas is automatically a wonderful thing, but if your ideas are to impose restrictions on the established rights of people in the place you are moving to, that is unacceptable and I don’t want to hear your ideas.

    > “I am struck for example, by the number of recent immigrants to the UK who hate Israel. That sentiment has no place here.”

    Disagree with this. I think you can come here and hate Israel. Half our own University students do. There’s loads of countries I hate. Tonga. Spain. Despotate of Dobruja (bunch of fake Byzantines). I wouldn’t expect to be barred from entering Denmark because of it though. Acting on that hate and committing acts of hate against Israeli citizens or British Jews, yeah that’s when I would be revoking immigration status.

  5. I will take this kind of argument seriously when someone says it about an ethnicity that’s not an Official Enemy. Until then it’s just race hatred

  6. Who decides what’s “valid” and what isn’t? Also, does she mean Valid – follows logically from its principles – or Sound – is also True?

    I think the layman would see this as a correct argumentation, but academics would laugh this kinda shit out the lecture hall.

  7. I agree with what she said about people coming to live in this country forever should be willing to share our values (equality of gender, right to marry whoever you like, etc.), but “Not all cultures equally valid” is a horrendous way to phrase that point.

  8. What does she mean by this? Some cultures (races) are more “valid” (white) than others? At this point just say you don’t want brown people to come here, instead of this vague dog whistle. 

    Also her comments over immigrants hating Israel which has “no place here” is crazy. Israel is at best committing warcrimes, ethnic cleansing and inbreach of international law, and at worst committing genocide. To say people’s anger to the Israeli government is due to their hateful culture is insane. It would be like saying immigrants from Ukraine hate Russia due to their culture, which is unacceptable and means we have to stop taking Ukranian refugees. Some of these refugess would have been fleeing from Israeli bombings themselves, but surely their culture is why they are anti-Israel? We can’t allow in migrants from Hong-Kong, many hate China! Better not let in Armenian refugees, they hate Azerbaijan for some reason!

  9. Another thing about this. Is she a brexiteer? It is almost like Europeans were the closest culturally to us. Who would have thought??!

  10. Obviously? People have different moral systems and desires so different systems are not going to be equally valid? I guess it still needs to be said apparently.

  11. Okay, little thought experiment for this sub:

    What if Badenoch had said Israeli culture is not as valid?? Just curious to see how people would interpret that

  12. Well, yes, but I’m not sure if we’re on the same page though. Any culture that is sexist, homophobic, racist, or any form of intolerant is not fit for purpose and must be reformed or chucked into the bin. And yes, that includes intolerant Europeans too. I hope that one day we have a world where LGBT people are free to be who they are, no matter which country. 

  13. >We have always stood on the right side of history

    They’re all delusional. This quote is from the least insane of the candidates.

  14. I’m puzzled. She thinks that anti-Israel sentiment / antisemitism doesn’t natively exist in the UK and therefore it’s an entirely foreign problem?

    Has she ever picked up a single fucking history book?

    Imagine scapegoating foreigners for antisemitism of all things.

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