Concern Russia will use nuclear weapons to retaliate against Ukraine

Concern Russia will use nuclear weapons to retaliate against Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been escalating his threats of nuclear retaliation in his war against Ukraine.

Mr Putin says Russia may use nuclear warheads if Ukraine uses American-made weapons to strike targets within Russia.

  1. Putin is a very sober, tolerant and mature politician. If the West has taken those qualities of his as weakness, then the West is indulging in a game of bluff. Putin would be within his rights to use the nuclear option to put an end to the game of roulette being played by the USA and UK.

  2. Not a chance! If he even attempts this the USA & NATO will have no alternative to completely destroy Russia! Will they though, NATO is toothless, so we will have to rely on Trump winning the election & sorting out the World at War.

  3. I visited Canada's biggest cold war bunker last week. The Diefenbunker we call it… that Russian one is much nicer. I hear they won't work anymore though… theyre only rated for 5 megatons, most nukes are 10-15 now. (May have my units wrong… but numbers right)

  4. So let me get this straight. First, he takes over the Crimea from the Ukraine. Then he invades Ukraine and threatens to use nukes against conventional weapons because he’s losing. He needs to go, go from history altogether. He’s trying to reconstruct the Soviet union in case no one noticed.

  5. They always said if we parked NATO right on Moscows doorstep they would rather delete Ukraine first.

    This whole thing is our fault because most of you people are arrogant and conceited.

    You were told this would happen.
    You didnt listen to my generations warning.
    This is our traditional adversary
    The "Red Menace". The dreaded Commie.

    We had achieved stability with them, things were pretty peaceful until you assholes insisted on putting NATO right up their noses!

    Of bloody course Russia responded this way you idiots!

  6. Get out of Ukraine you fools!! And nobody would be attacking you!!
    Special military operation my arse!! You were trying to put in a puppet government you bunch of flogs!!!
    You reap what you sow
    Ask the old Wagner boss,, he had the right idea and look what Putin did to him. Don’t hit others if you don’t like being hit!!!

  7. The West ripped up the Minsk agreements in 2015 and thats where this is headed. Putin said he will use nukes if the West grants long range missiles to Ukraine that can reach Moscow. This was the plan of the Deep State all along. Its why they wanted missiles in Turkey during the Cold War. The elite are cold calculating reptilian maniacs.

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