Hisbollah-Führer Hassan Nasrallah wurde bei einem israelischen Luftangriff in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut getötet

Hisbollah-Führer Hassan Nasrallah wurde bei einem israelischen Luftangriff in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut getötet


  1. I’ll never stop clicking on these posts without a smile on my face, no matter how much it is repeated (in the next 24 hours, I do have my limitations)

  2. wow, i had no idea nasrallah had such an elaborate underground complex, like a bond villain. i just assumed he had lived in his parents’ basement his whole life

  3. Great news… but how many innocent civilians have been collateral damage since Israel invaded Lebanon?

  4. Hamas and Hezbollah whomped, wonder if it’s gonna be America, Israel or a joint military action that’s gonna decapitate the Houthis… bad time to be a bad guy.

  5. More like Hassan deadrallah.

    Hopefully there isn’t enough left of his corpse for any sort of funeral.

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