Astronauts return to Earth after longest stay on ISS

Astronauts return to Earth after longest stay on ISS

Two Russian cosmonauts have returned to Earth after the longest stay on the International Space Station (ISS).

Oleg Kononenko, who returned to Azerbaijan on the craft, now holds the record for the longest cumulative stay in space at 1,111 days.

NASA Astronaut Tracy Dyson also returned following a six-month research trip on the ISS.

#NASA #space #ISS

  1. Ouch that landing looked like a heck of an Impact! After being in space a year and being weak they are going to need some serious chiropractic treatments. 😮

  2. Russia as the Good Samaritan saved US astronaut…I really encourage US govt to make public announcement to thank Russia and give them salute and also two thumbs up …!!!

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