Why universal offers like free bus travel and tuition may not be in public’s interest | [opinion piece by former ScotLab leader Johann Lamont]

Why universal offers like free bus travel and tuition may not be in public’s interest | [opinion piece by former ScotLab leader Johann Lamont]

by backupJM

  1. This type of discussion around free tuition seems to be ramping up, with another article just this week by the Aberdeen university chief urging rethink. There is also the news that the UK government will reportedly increase university tuition by inflation to help with university finances, which may put pressure on ScotGov to do the same.

    For disclosure, I support free tuition and would like to see it retained, but with these types of discussions growing, I’m increasingly worried that it will not last much longer. I think there needs to be a serious conversation on the support of it long-term – freezing tuition fees and real terms cuts to the teaching grant are not viable for universities, but i think there are other options than reintroducing tuition fees.

  2. It’s so obvious that Labour are gearing up to remove everything we get “for free”. Hope they get the same treatment as the Lib Dem’s if they do.

    I’ve seen a lot of people say removing free prescriptions or means testing them will cost more but this is a weak argument imo.

    The bigger issue is that introducing prescription charges, even if it nominal, means that people are less likely to take the medication they need. This results in them getting sicker and then costing the NHS more in the long run.



    They are also a barrier to keeping people well and in work.


    So if we introduced prescription charges all we will do is see some people being less likely to seek treatment which will cost the NHS more in the long term and it will hurt the economy with people being out of work longer.

  3. So even if Scotland continues to vote for parties who support such principled policies, The Labour party will come along and force Scotland into a budgetary position where they are untenable.

    Such gracious saviors from the evils of toryism, continuing their work!

    Give me independence where we can at least vote the effective leadership out.

  4. It won’t be in our interest because the government says so because the ruling class need us to be kept thick so we don’t realise we’re in chains and strangle them with them

  5. Naw fuck that, I’m very happy to see my tax payer money to be used to fund higher education in this country.

  6. The Labour-tory gaslighting is strong with this one. Lamont presents us with a false choice based on her ideological position: we can have trickle-down economics or we can have austerity … that’s all she and her party knows.
    There’s no plan for growth or investment, there’s no recognition that education in ALL fields is key to success in the 21st century. The complacency, lack of empathy, laziness of their policies, all speak to a mindset out of touch with their constituents.

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