A recent “surge” of immigrants to the U.S. is expected to add $8.9 trillion (or 3.2%) to the nation’s GDP over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan scorekeeper for Congress.

The hatred diversion 101of far right extremists republikans is..oh surprise…a huge lie.

“There are several reasons why immigrants largely benefit the economy and job market, economists said.

For one, the job market isn't static.

Immigrants take jobs but they also create new ones by spending in local economies and by starting businesses, economists said. One 2020 research paper from

     the National Bureau of Economic Research found immigrants are 80% more likely to become entrepreneurs than native workers.

Undocumented immigrants represented 3.3% of the total U.S. population and 23% of immigrants in 2022, Pew said. Their number has increased in recent years, to 11 million, but remains below its 2007 peak of more than 12 million.

The panel of economists found "little evidence that immigration significantly affects" overall employment levels among Americans, they wrote for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

But immigrants "also create jobs," Clemens said.

   “A large preponderance of evidence is the job creation effect overwhelms the competition effect, even in the short term."


The only real reason is to keep no benefits workers who can be threatened with deportation 24/7…

and keeping a targeted unarmed civilians for the ‘patriots ‘ ‘Christian ‘ ‘alpha ‘ steroids caveman ‘god fearing ‘ murderers…🔥🐗

A recent "surge" of immigrants to the U.S. is expected to add $8.9 trillion (or 3.2%) to the nation's GDP over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan scorekeeper for Congress.
byu/BikkaZz ineconomy

by BikkaZz

  1. Old school Republicans (paleocons/Reaganites) used to love undocumented immigration, because it drove wages down in certain sectors. This is still the case for major Republican donors. Chicken factories, for example, depend on illegal labor. If the GOP gave a shit, they’d go after those who employ them.

    In the last twenty years, the xenophobic/nativist wing of the GOP, the ones who were humored to get their votes, have taken over the entire party. It’s all “immigrants eat pets/babies” and deeply emotional nonsense. The old GOP is gone.

  2. 10M poor and uneducated illegal immigrants flooding into the US through the open border are not the same as 1M educated foreign-born workers coming here on H1Bs.

    Nice try, though.

    For every economist who says they benefit a economy, send a few busses of them to his neighborhood and see how that works out.

  3. But that’s not the same as the low-skilled, low-educated immigrants that have been coming in recent years.

  4. Woah if that’s so easy I think Canada should invite more people. Their economy sure needs more gdp boost.

  5. Its ridiculous that some people seriously think that the only issue wrong with this country is immigration. Laughable.

  6. They always tout the GDP increase but fail to mention the decline in GDP per capita. Canada is suffering the consequences of this now.

  7. Our population is not static & our economy is built on an ever expanding model of consumption.

    If you look at birth rates & population demographics you would know we are in a demographic crisis, we aren’t having enough children to support older and populations.

    More people = more economic activity & money
    Less people = a greater tax & debt burden & crumbiling social programs.

    This is why we need a North American Union.

  8. Of course, that money will go to the millionaire and billionaire employers while working class Americans will hit the unemployment line or see little to no real wage growth. Or worse, negative real wage growth like what we have seen during Joe Bidens four years in office, which is -2%. Working class Americans enjoyed an 8% increase in real wages while Trump was president, the most of any modern day president.

    Simple economics. When you increase labor supply, all else being equal, you get a reduction in wages.

    Working class Americans get poorer while the rich get richer. This is the new Democrat party. This is why they have lost the blue-collar vote.

  9. The 435 seats in the House of Representatives is determined with “unauthorized immigrants” factored in. That’s all I need to hear.

  10. Wow, can’t think of any other time state employed statisticians were wrong about anything…

  11. Propaganda. It has nothing to do with “far right extremism.”
    Thousands of criminals are entering America illegally.

  12. Immigrants is a token divisive issue like abortion, trans rights and climate change.

    The reality is, the root cause behind these issues is simple.

    Immigrants come here because of imperialism, we need them anyway because no one wants to do shit jobs like picking strawberries and framing houses. They also increase the fake measure known as GDP which is important for perceived economic growth.

    The fact is we do need to make it hard enough to get in to keep out criminals but we do need Jose and Pedro to build Jeff bezos’s newest summer mansion.

    Immigration policy has largely not changed and has also changed very little from president to president.
    The caged that Trump was famous for putting kids in? That was started during the Obama administration. Deportation numbers? They rise with every president regardless of party.

    The inner workings of immigration seldom change but you get little cosmetic measures that help you stay emotionally invested in this “issue” so that you don’t realize that it’s not actually something that matters to you or that you understand enough about to have an opinion on.

    One year trump builds a wall, another year Biden lets immigrant spouses get married. Do either mater? No. You can already marry someone into the country and the wall didn’t change immigration numbers.

    Abortion rights are another example because they literally don’t matter to anyone important. Pharma companies? Don’t care. International community? Doesn’t care. Military industrial complex? Doesn’t care

    Trans rights? Same as abortion rights.

    The core issues of economics are that Americans just don’t make shit anymore. The country is standing on stilts built from imperialism on the back of developing countries who’s leaders we hand picked after brutal assandions and orchestrated revolution.

    So we need to start forever wars and economic extortion to keep the rest of the world down so that by comparison we look up.

  13. Ah yes. I too love cheap labor to suppress wages and replace the labor of American citizens. 

    Meanwhile, cost of living is rising, our infrastructure is complete trash, our healthcare system is a joke, the state of our navy shipbuilding capabilities is horrific, and we’re spending financial aid to Ukraine despite Ukraine being geopolitically unimportant. 

    But hey, all that matters is the GDP. Our country is nothing more than an economy and a shopping mall to foreign countries/lobbyists/corporations.

    And if we dare call out how drastic increase of illegal immigration will harm American citizens economically, we’re racists or fascists.

    Bernie even once called out illegal immigration being a Koch Brothers plan, but he abandoned that position. As a former Bernie bro, I guess he couldn’t ignore neoliberals/progressives/Democrats care too much about race and foreign policies instead of the economy.

    This is where we’re at.

    Edit: Actually scratch that. Neoliberal/progressives/Democrats do care about the economy, but only the GDP. And only if it’s blue states/Democrat administration.

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