This video of Russian pundits mocking air raids in Ukraine at the beginning of the war did not age well for the Russians. Russian Telegram channels are reporting over 125 drone strikes tonight on several areas in Russia, including Voldograd, Rostov, Belgorod and Voronezh regions.

This video of Russian pundits mocking air raids in Ukraine at the beginning of the war did not age well for the Russians. Russian Telegram channels are reporting over 125 drone strikes tonight on several areas in Russia, including Voldograd, Rostov, Belgorod and Voronezh regions.

by roli0001

  1. Oh i wait for this day where they have to publicly apologize in state TV after russian state collapses to reduce their long imprisonment… 

  2. Damn mother f*krs.. hope they will experience what the common Ukrainians are experiencing right now

  3. Drone strikes are a different animal in terms of tonnage. It is a good morale booster though.

  4. Free Palestine, and down with Israhell! Shame on Zelensky for supporting the Israeli genocidal machine! And down with the US for not fully supporting Ukraine along with human rights! Embargo on Israel, fuck the UN, all monies toward true democracy! Ukraine have the opportunity mold the new age!

  5. Welp, now they know how theirs sound like. Their grandchildren as well. Shame on them. May they step on Legos on the way to the restroom.

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