In Austria, Communists Could Get Back Into Parliament

In Austria, Communists Could Get Back Into Parliament

by polymute

  1. They’ve had representatives in the Styrian and Salzburg state parliaments for 20 years, they’re the largest party in the city council of Graz (the second largest city in Austria), which also has a communist mayor since 2021. So it’s not exactly a surprise.

  2. Hope them the best. Finally someone that cares more for the people than for the companies and the bourgeoise

  3. Itt: people that are not sure what communism is and what’s the ideology behind it but a guy on reddit said that it’s bad.

  4. In city councils they are great because of their pro public housing policies

    In nationwide parliament, please no. Their foreign policy is very similar to the far-right (naively pro-Russian masquerading as “pro-peace”)

    They believe that both sides in the Ukraine war have to make concessions, that EU is militaristic, and that the Austrian armed forces should be abolished. Screw them.

  5. How are communist symbols, and more importantly parties, even allowed in Europe? I’m not even talking about the law, but rather about social pressure. I mean, it’s impolite to spit on the sidewalk or to throw trash on the street or to wear Nazi symbols, these are socially offensive things. How is it socially acceptable to brandish the hammer and sickle or the Z symbol or to quote Marx or Lenin in Europe these days?

  6. Austria is already a country, that exploits its “neutrality” for cheap russian gas and basically handed over their secret services to Russia. Not surprised someone voted for red morons.
    Only good extremist is one outside of any government.

  7. Who could have thought that if all establishment parties ignore the people for decades, let their wages stagnate and purchasing power decrease, make housing, holidays, and kids unaffordable for large swats of society, commodify everything, increase wealth inequality to levels never seen in history (I know, higher baseline, but still), don’t listen to the interests of anyone under 40, make corruption legal and call it lobbying, privatize everything, only ever increase the surveillance of your own citizens, and more, the people start to look for alternatives. Some get caught by the empty promises of the far-right, some move to the far-left.

  8. I was initially on board with them but good lord they’re just as bad as FPÖ, they’re complete russian puppets and genuinely want us disband our military entirely.

    But at least they’re not as bad as “Keine von denen” because one of those has a “i <3 CO2” sticker on his laptop…

    We’re doomed if any of these crazies get into parlament.

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