France in a nutshell

Guest star: Diogenes <3

by sniffy_cat

  1. Brings your own problems into perspective. 
    I hope this man somehow gets back on his feet, figuratively speaking.  

  2. This is such a mood, god am I happy to live there. I couldn’t deal with clean streets, they are so devoid of the flaming passion that is found in the city of lights.

  3. Hahah love it! Especially the guy bringing more wine

    I know this is not the right forum, but I have a serious question to my fellow frenchies: I recently moved to Toulouse. I live in the city center and I’m appalled by the number of homeless people there are. They piss and shit in the middle of the street, which makes it an adventure to know which paths to take when walking down the city to avoid those super smelly corners.

    What’s your honest view about this? Is it normal all around France? Is it a real problem? Does anybody take care of these people? Are they pushed out of the city center in any cases?

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