US is on track to set a new record for homeless people with over 650K living on the streets

US is on track to set a new record for homeless people with over 650K living on the streets

by stasi_a

  1. Don’t believe your eyes. That’s not real. Trust the government.

    Right now, the US has the best economy ever. We’re the envy of the world.

  2. >US is on track to set a new record for homeless people with over $650K living on the streets


    >US is on track to set a new record for homeless people, with over 650K living on the streets

    comma makes a big difference

  3. And yet all the non citizens have homes, cars, medical and food stamps! Welcome to the new America!

  4. If 20 billion US is using to support Israel’s war crimes can be distributed to 650k people, it is 30k each and for a family of 3 or 4, it can be a big money to address homeless state for quite a while. Our politicians are prioritizing foreign terrorist country over our own people.

  5. Unfortunate situation. Further unfortunate: the U.S. is likely to continue its *Impasse on Housing the Homeless* because of excessive demands from homeless activists (progressives). Most notable: Their argument that all homeless be treated as one needy group.

    Progressives wants all homeless to get free apts (studios or micro units), which run a cost of $200 K to as high as $700 K, in west coast cities. These vulnerable people warrant free apts: NPR: [Homeless shelters are seeing more seniors]( All those homeless men ages 17 to early mid-30s with addictions, slacker attitudes and repeat offending can be housed in FEMA tents in industrial areas.

    Call that *age discrimination*. Every decent culture puts its elderly first. Men ages 17 to early mid-30s — you’re lucky to get any freebies. Almost every other culture in history would have pushed you into mandatory labor.

  6. He’ll yeah good USA!!! Keep making the working class plebes m
    Distressed and under fear so that the agenda of a few can continue… fk yeah…. sad face

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