Biodiversity and habitat score 2024

Biodiversity and habitat score 2024

by gotshroom

  1. Nearly 500 native species are under protection in Germany, so yeah, this isn’t really surprising. What surprises me is the reaction of some Redditors being surprised by this fact. /s

  2. I don’t think that the map without looking further into data is anywhere near right. Germany doesn’t have any natural forests left.

  3. Denmark cut down all of its forests, so nearly every remaining bit of forest here is basically a plantation. Also, 2/3 of our country is farmland. That’s why we have a shit score. There is a lot of focus on biodiversity in recent times, but there is only so much you can do that doesn’t involve expropriating the farms outright.

  4. There are: 23 big national parks in Poland under the very strict environmental protection, over 1500 small nature reserves under the very strict envrionmental protection, 127 landscape parks (which are basically semi-national parks) under the strict environmental protection, almost 1500 of areas of the protected landscape + Natura 2000 areas, around 300 Nature and landscape complexes, 34 000 natural monuments – mostly very old trees, and also around 8000 small local ecological lands. Overall we have: 5000 km2 of land under the very strict environmental protection, 27 000 km2 of land under strict environmental protection, and over 70 000 km2 of other lands under the medium environmetal protection. Poland’s size is 313 000 km2. When we’re building new motorways, every 10 km or so, there are passages for the animals. On the other roads there are many signs: “remain cautios because there may be deers / geese / boars / frogs / other animals crossing”. We have plenty different animals: wolves, bisons, wild horses, seals, mooses, rupicapras, lynxes, etc. (in few counties also black bears, be aware).

  5. How is it possible Slovenia, Switzerland Finland, Sweden are so bad lol… and Germany, Lux so good.. lame

  6. Surprised at the UK. I haven’t even seen a wasp yet this year, that might not be a totally bad thing.

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