What type of bird or prey is this ?

What type of bird or prey is this ?

by Beautiful-Ask-7910

  1. Love to see birds of prey, sometimes you see a really big one in the countryside where I live. Beautiful animals.

  2. It’s a Sparrowhawk and one took a black bird right in front of me this summer, looked me square in the eyes and flew off with it, I was not amused as I love my black birds.

  3. as people have said its a Sparrow Hawk, one of the handful of Birds Of Prey we have in this country.

  4. Here in Wakefield, we have a family of Peregrine Falcons living on top of the cathedral. They help keep the ‘pigeon problem’ and any rats etc under control. (There’s just a normal amount of pigeons for a city centre)
    They like to fly up as high as they want, rip their heads off and then just sorta drop them (so now instead of alive pigeons there’s just decapitated ones bc that’s apparently better), but when they eat one they **really** go to town on it

  5. Sparrow hawk showing off their pretty feathers, fun fact, they put their wings around their prey to hide it from other birds so they don’t know what they are eating!

  6. Sparrowhawk. Whenever you see a ring of feathers like the one she (I think she) is creating there, you know there’s a sparrowhawk around.

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