Demonstranten schwenken Hisbollah-Flaggen bei Kundgebung in Australien

Demonstranten schwenken Hisbollah-Flaggen bei Kundgebung in Australien

  1. Because the organisers are using aboriginal people. I’d personally like to see the stats on how many Palestine supporters voted yes.

  2. Multiple generations of people in one place not physically connected to the place that they are protesting… Want to make a difference? Then show your bravery and go to the place which you are upset with. Gaslighting a city with hate because something you believe isnt happening thousands of miles away shouldnt be a thing. There is probably a reason why you left. Stop being an asshole.

  3. It’s a democratic, free country and people are free to express their views or demonstrate peacefully. And as I have free speech, I’d like to say they are fucking idiots flying a terrorist regimess flag. A regime that would never afford the people they control the same liberties of expression if it was going against or critical of Hezbollah a regime that thumbs its nose at Lebanon and it’s government by basically setting up a state within Lebanon. This putting Lebanese citizens at risk by inviting Israeli attacks because they want to support Hamas.

  4. Like I said before, the Koran states that Islam will spread until the whole world submits to Allah . This religion is not compatible with western values and soon as they are the majority in a country..they will enact sharia law, by then it would be too late . They will use democracy against itself..all this without firing a single shot..

  5. Leftwing people on their way to support the most authoritarian hard right group/government just because they are anti Israel.

  6. Something is seriously wrong in the world, when people all around the world wave the flags of terrorist organisations in countries that have literally nothing to do with what is occurring

  7. Media Bias again, the fighting has “recently spread to Lebanon”. Its just going to white wash a year of missile bombardment and 16 years of sparadic shots. It just makes me think the report is downplaying the protestors support of Hezbollah.

  8. Tolerance for intolerant people is getting ridiculous, they do not belong in Western aligned nations. They need to be jailed or deported back to whatever Islamic extremist country they want to support. They want the luxuries of living a comfortable life in the West but preach about their backwards ideology whilst not daring to go back to whatever 3rd world country they originated from

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