Bei US-Luftangriffen auf Syrien wurden 37 Militante extremistischer Gruppen getötet

Bei US-Luftangriffen auf Syrien wurden 37 Militante extremistischer Gruppen getötet

  1. Pretty obvious they’re afraid off Sunni fundamentalists taking advantage of the massive power vacuum Israel’s promptly created.

  2. They struck Al-Qeada and ISIS affilliated targets. The base they are operating from is defending the Iraqi border where IS once penetrated all the way to Mosul. The Base is within Syria boxing in Assad and cutting the land link to Iran.

    Remember there are a lot of flavors of Extremism in the ME.

  3. Definitely one of those, “the US really shouldn’t be meddling in other countries, but if they’re going to…” If we need to point the guns somewhere, may as well be at them.

  4. If this happened in 2020, Trump would be calling it our most important victory since we lost the civil war.

  5. At this point, I’m a full believer that the US is purposely escalating conflicts on multiple fronts.

    Maybe it’s a way to obscure or shore up their terminally ill economy.

  6. What I learn from US and Israel – you can murder anybody, without any proof, just call it member of any terrorist/militant organization

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