Why is Italy considered Western Europe if they fail to have working plumbing?

Why is Italy considered Western Europe if they fail to have working plumbing?

by traumalt

  1. We still let them sit at the western Europe big boy table despite their India level sanitary installments bcs the Romans invented plumbing, the later generations just never felt the need to update it bcs of “muh proud heritage”.

  2. All their toilets are from roman times so they are not built to handle toilet paper as Romans had a communal sponge instead.

  3. There is actually no way that people throw used toilet paper into a basket, that is the most fool thing I can imagine.

  4. All of their plumbers (both of them) are chasing after a Japanese princess, they’re too busy to actually work

  5. You’re telling me they just keep their shit stained paper in basket next to the toilet?

    Holy shit they need our migrants, like badly.

  6. the fact that it is first written in English tells me it’s in a touristic spot, we have all shared responsibilities in this shit

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