How China manufactures 27 million cars a year. Automation. China installs more than half of all industrial robots in the world.

How China manufactures 27 million cars a year. Automation. China installs more than half of all industrial robots in the world.

by wakeup2019

  1. If we want to bring manufacturing back to America, this is how you do it.

    We can’t undercut the labor costs of a child in Vietnam screwing screws in a toaster, but can definitely undercut it by removing labor costs from the equation since we’re saving a bunch on shipping costs.

  2. Cool but you should not give away the Auto market without some concessions. No one ever has.

    Australia has no domestic car manufacturers and demands concessions.

    I think Trump would never make a deal and I think Harris would make some kind of deal. When the US let Japanese cars in Japan had to get rid of its fixed exchange rate. Don’t what China is willing to give for access to US car market but that 51% ownership rules is big enough and might be something China is ready to drop anyway.

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