Donald Trump, 78, hurls worst slur yet at Kamala Harris as November election approaches

Donald Trump, 78, hurls worst slur yet at Kamala Harris as November election approaches

Posted by BothZookeepergame612

  1. How ironic, seriously who in their right mind believes this lie from the tangerine man…

  2. *KAMBABLA is mentally ill! She was born that way, then decided to pass the bar, become DA and AG, then get into the senate, and then become Vice….who switched my teleprompter – THAT I DON’T NEED? You see, I don’t have to read from a teleprompter…because I can’t read! Take that libs! The FAKE NEWS MEDIA says I – ME – YOUR PRESIDENT- reads at a 3rd grade level! LIES! I can’t read! The FAKE NEWS MEDIA and Crooked Joe Biden – always lying! Just ask my VP, JB Trance, he’s not weird! He’s definitely coming back with donuts! Please don’t leave my rally!*

  3. How does any person of character support this person for President? I can’t really see how he becomes rational. It is sad.

  4. It’s insane how racist he blatantly is. “The immigrants are going to break into your house and kill you.” And it’s insane how sexist he is, “Kamala is only here because she’s a whore.”

    And it’s insane! That people can listen to him and think it’s normal or ok to speak this way.

  5. So how many votes did Harris get again? How yea, your cult pulled a Brutus b/c you knew your candidate was severely compromised. It shows the loyalty and brutality of your party. Democrats are no longer the party of the working man, according to statistics most college educated people vote Democrat. The party have flipped once again. Democrats are no longer the party of the working man or labor.

  6. It just keeps getting more and more pathetic. He doesn’t have anything intelligent or interesting to say so he’s decided to just name call. Weirdo.

  7. “I couldn’t look her in the eye so Imma just talk shit about her cuz I’m a scaredy cat”

  8. I fully expected the jowly old gasbag to start fighting dirty, as he’s getting desperate now. He’s trying to bluff, bluster and bullshit his way through this campaign, and it’s not working to his satisfaction, so he’s lashing out.

  9. Did he hurl the word “competent”? “Younger”? “Independent”? “Non-trust fund”? “Intelligent”? “Non rapist”? “Non-pedo”?

  10. Really so blue-collar people are now college educated? How come she couldn’t even get backing of any unions? once again, I bet you’re a white person who thinks they’re virtuous. How much did you pay for your college degree? I’m a Latino who works construction.

  11. Come on,
    he didn’t call her a Nazi, racist, paedophile, overweight,
    Apple-coloured, men-hating, xenophobe, deplorable and say I hope she dies did He? The hypocrisy of it all.

  12. The irony smh all he does is project whatever he says about other people is really about himself

  13. Fact: He knows how screwed up he is…and the criticism that he spews out is a mirrored image of himself.

  14. He‘s on a steep decline from gutter straight into sewer. And we ain’t seen nothing yet. He’s out of control.

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