Iran Revolutionary Guard general died in Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah leader

Iran Revolutionary Guard general died in Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah leader

Posted by intylij

  1. Overall there were around 20 high ranking Hezbollah officials that were blown up. All of them were in the basement meeting in the middle of a residential street.

  2. Hole the rest of revolutionary guard terrorist scum faces appropriate justice soon

    Israel really did pull off a other perfect operation. Surgical strike at am obvious terror leader base full of vile terrorists planning more terror.

    The world just got one iota safer without these vile people.

    But I predict this sub will Seether and gnash teeth for some reason (we all know the reason).

  3. I wonder how after like a week Hezbollah (one of the most well organized non state military forces) command is essentially decimated, while Israel has been “fighting Hamas” for a year in Gaza and seems to have made 0 progress other than mass murdering and mutilating civilians.

  4. 3 weeks ago people where stating on this sub and others how strongly armed Hezbollah is and that Isreal escalating was going to be a mistake.

    …they literally dismantled the top of the organization within 2 weeks and are taking out Iran figures as well.

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