He fits right in come on

He fits right in come on

by Fascinating_Mary

  1. Well behaved dogs in pubs are sound, you’re sat there and a little mate comes for a quick scratch and then goes off to the next table

  2. Depends on the pub and the dog. If I’m in a country pub and there are a couple of dogs in there lying down or wandering around. Prefer that than kids screaming and running around while I’m trying to relax with a pint after work

  3. I don’t like dogs, so I’d rather not be around them. That said, I’m pretty sure just about every dog is more popular than I am, so I’d probably just admit defeat and leave.

  4. We don’t let dogs in ours as head office are worried about them biting someone on the premises, but we would all rather have them in the beer garden than the kids and sometimes we “forget” to tell them that they aren’t allowed to bring them in

  5. Well behaved dogs, YES! Badly behaved, shrieking children who’s parents don’t care how annoying they are, NO!

  6. Good owners can bring their dogs in. Bad owners cannot. I think it should be up to the pub to enforce this and ask bad owners to go outside with their annoying/yapping/dangerous/intimidating dogs.

  7. I think the system we have currently works well. Some pubs allow dogs, while some don’t. If you don’t like dogs, don’t drink at a dog friendly pub

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