Fernandes red card explained as Man United get Premier League clarification

Fernandes red card explained as Man United get Premier League clarification

by Traditional-Check160

  1. Cavanagh starting to look more and more like Spurs fan tbf, at least two very strange decisions today, this red first and no penalty for Romero spreading his arms like wings second

  2. It wasn’t a bad red. Yes he fell but it was obvious to anyone with eyes that he still lunged out. Reckless tbh and high up on the leg.

    But if refs are willing to avoid giving reds to keep the game state, this was the call to let var reverse. No intent to injure and add in the fall, no one would fault the ref for just giving yellow.

  3. Reading any article on Manchester evening news is like pulling your own ballsack over your head

  4. He slipped, and then kicked out, and caught him high. Had he slipped and nicked him he’d have been fine, but if you watch it slowed, it’s a clear as day lunge.

    You can argue the rules should be changed, but a high kick out making contact like that is always a red.

  5. Fernandes is a dirty cunt and knew exactly what he was doing. His reputation precedes him and thus getting a straight red for such a reckless and potentially dangerous challenge was the right thing. Ffs he could have ripped the leg open from thigh to calf.

  6. Problem isn’t the red but it’s the inconsistency. I have seen worse challenges where they didn’t send the players off.

    I really think the refs should be interviewed after games just like managers. That’s the only way to keep things transparent.

  7. It’s one I’d call an orange card. Very much between a yellow and a red, very subjective and open to interpretation on which is given. For cases like this you’ve just gotta stick with the on-field decision, it shouldn’t be re-refereed because there just is no objectively correct decision available.

  8. Big part of the issue is that the bar is so high with VAR that if someone is sent off its very hard to overturn it and if someone gets away with one it’s very hard for them to overturn the infield decision. Ultimately it’s Bruno’s fault, he had already been mugged off, Maddison was gone and he went in high.

  9. Don’t see why people are complaining. He might’ve slipped, but he still very clearly goes in with content to take out Maddison with his studs showing. Easily a straight red.

  10. I think this is hard not to give.

    Yeah the contact isn’t terrible **but he slips and still tries to make the lunging tackle and could have seriously hurt Madison**

    I don’t think VAR would have changed this decision either way.

    There’s always going to be situations like this where it ultimately comes down to a judgement call.

    If a player had made this challenge intentionally I think a red wouldn’t be crazy as it’s potentially endangering the opponent.

    I’m not sure how the fact he slips should be interpreted. I think, in this case, a yellow would be less controversial but the fact he does still lunge after slipping is perhaps questionable.

    The Martinez challenge last week was absolutely 100 percent a red card imo so perhaps this is karma for that.

    I would question a red if the yellow was given but I’ve seen worse and more intentional actions not been given as a red so a yellow here might have been the safe call.

  11. If Manu / ETH thinks the red card is unjust they do have the option to appeal. Otherwise it is a 3 match suspension.

  12. It’s not fair that Bruno has to miss three more games for what was at most a yellow card. Why not throw in a fine for 10 million, plus amputation of his arm while you’re at it?

    The Premier League justice system is the worst of any professional sports league. The incompetence at all levels is staggering.

  13. At face value, the challenge is worthy of a yellow but the referee correctly upgraded it to a red on the basis that Fernandes is a fucking prick. Good officiating if you ask me.

  14. It’s high and out of control. The contact itself wasn’t that bad but it had the potential to be disastrous

  15. He slipped, they can try and sugar coat it all they want, if the ref didn’t give a red then VAR would have also agreed and the premier league would say nothing to justify it being a red..

  16. Straight leg raised. Studs showing. Shin height. Absolute red.

    Whilst there have been worse tackles that were not red cards and softer tackles that were, this one is text book. Good decision.

  17. Dude barely braised his knee/upper shin and seemed to be attempting to pull away. Maddison’s delayed reaction was hilarious. At worst it shouldve been a yellow but im glad to see it happen to a big club besides Arsenal because now we’ll probably see a different attitude from these biased pundits and commentators who were backing PGMOL fullheardetly

  18. He slipped, but it looked like he still tried to get the ball with his foot. He missed, and hit Maddison.
    Soft, but nothing VAR should intervene with.

    United got better after the red card anyway.

  19. Okay, now when can we expect an explanation first the 2 clear penalties that was not given in the last 2 matches.?

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