Family from Canada are over, i just did a roast for 17 people…

Can't believe it went through without a hitch. Bonus table scraps goblin image at the end

by joshpoppedyou

  1. I really hope there was a gravy boat somewhere along the line, my mother would have kicked off if there wasn’t any.

  2. Bugger that. I did a roast for two people today and it was a pain in the arse.

    Tired today so as soon as I started cooking I was thinking “why the fuck did I think buying stuff to do a roast was a good idea”.

    It was delicious though and then I had a 2hr nap almost immediately afterwards.

  3. Jesus, well done mate, I think I’d insist on going to a carvery instead if my lot all come over haha

  4. So many dishes! Where did you get them? I have exactly four dinner plates and one single pot (la creuset rip-off)

  5. That’s a proper bleak British colour palette if ever I saw one, Ken Loach would be proud

  6. Everything my wife’s family comes over they want the local chippy or the Toby carvery, I guess its a treat for them

  7. Wow. I don’t know who you are, or indeed what you roasted…but: good effort! Also having a table to seat 17… 🫡

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