Man amputates penis with an axe after consuming psilocybin mushrooms | In an unprecedented case report, doctors in Austria have documented the first known instance of psilocybin-induced penile amputation.

Man amputates penis with an axe after consuming psilocybin mushrooms | In an unprecedented case report, doctors in Austria have documented the first known instance of psilocybin-induced penile amputation.

Man amputates penis with an axe after consuming psilocybin mushrooms

by Forward-Answer-4407

  1. Nope, nope, nope.. why did I continue to read on. Turn back everyone, nothing to see here.

  2. So after “man jumps out of skyscraper window on acid” we now have a psilocybin horror story we can enjoy for the upcoming 200 years of the war on drug.

    “This WAS your penis on shrooms, everyone!”

  3. He already had the mushrooms, so he wanted to have the sausage and eggs to complete the breakfast.

  4. There was a Norm MacDonald joke: “These kids nowadays that take drugs and cut their dicks off… back in my day we didn’t use drugs – we just cut our own dicks off.”

  5. This sounds like a massive psychotic episode triggered by mushrooms and not like a mushroom trip.

  6. So this is gonna be the new “jumping out of windows”.

    Wish Bill Hicks was still alive to hear this.

  7. If You wanna know without getting into details:

    >the overall length of his penis was significantly reduced due to the damage

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