Barron Trump Reportedly Chose to Live at Home Instead of a College Dorm, and People Think it’s Due to a Behavioral Issue

Barron Trump Reportedly Chose to Live at Home Instead of a College Dorm, and People Think it’s Due to a Behavioral Issue

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Being a Trump definitely gave him a host of DNA that would lead to behavioral problems. Hopefully he can stay out of jail.

  2. It’s easier to torture small animals in the comforts of home. And plus you can get cuddles from mommy easier too.

  3. Number one reason , he’s a little bitch and would get his ass beat by people that hates his family, which is practically the entire state

  4. He’s a spoiled sycophantic rich brat. He doesn’t know how to make his bed let alone wash his clothes or wipe his butt.

  5. It’s due to the fact that home is a mansion with servants and a dorm usually means sharing space and having to be able to get on with others.Fellow dorm mates
    are not your servants and may hate your papa as well.

  6. I have heard moolania doesn’t want him to be away from her as he has a habit of not getting along with other kids. He is violent, throws fit of rage and has problems with fitting in with others. Remember he was homeschooled for a specific reason

  7. It’s because he’s a spoiled asshole who considers everyone else beneath him. And he has an army of servants at home to take care of him.

  8. Trump isn’t very kind to people with disabilities so if his son decided to stay home because he has a disability, then Melania you look out for your son because your sweet husband won’t!

  9. I mean…..I’d choose home too, considering he lives in the lap of luxury. Plus, who tf would want to room with him and vice versa? He’d have to actually look after himself if he stayed in a dorm and he’d be absolutely insufferable to live with. He did his fellow students a solid by choosing to live at home.

  10. Who cares about Waddles’ gawky kid? His kids are all trash, and I seriously doubt the dumbly-named Barron is any different.

  11. How could Donny’s son have a behavioral problem? I figured he would be a perfect genius just like Dad.

  12. I was trying to reserve judgment on the kid but it looks like he’s been a real shit-stain for quite some time.

  13. I would say he should be left alone

    But he is an adult and his name is on the crypto grift / money laundering scam just released.

    Fuck him too

  14. He is probably a sociopath and can’t control himself because why would he? No one in his life has ever suffered consequences, after all.

  15. Supposedly he is on the autism spectrum..he has a history of aggressive behavior.. and he has never really been able to make friends anywhere he has lived.. I think that his parents don’t want him in the dorm for a few reasons.. he can live in his luxury home with servants and they don’t want him socializing with just anyone..they are elites who look down on people and if he does have the violent behavior that has been reported,, they for sure don’t want any bad publicity about their kid slapping someone or having a temper tantrum in college..that would be all over the news

  16. I wonder why Melania hasn’t clapped back at the caretaker that claims Barron has killed animals and has been violent against other students?

    If these claims are untrue she owes it to her son to stop the slander.

  17. “I’m shocked by the allegation’s!!!”

    He’s clearly just as big of a psychopath as his father and grandfather.

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