Selenskyj sagt, Putin habe „Angst“ vor dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen, weil er „sein Leben liebt“

Selenskyj sagt, Putin habe „Angst“ vor dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen, weil er „sein Leben liebt“

  1. I mean, yes, that is indeed the nuclear taboo. You do need to have a sense of suicidal ideation to use nukes.

  2. He also loves very much his 3 daughters and 2 sons. So yes, he’s very afraid, but being the snake that he is, gotta show the local zombies how “tough” they are.

  3. Putin is probably the kind of guy that loves his life because he loves his luxury and power and fame. take those away, and he will hate his life. and he will hate the people who took those things from him. things which he probably believes he is entitled to.

    and he’s probably the kind of guy who would want to get revenge while he could. right before the very end of his regime and/or nation, he would go mad and lash out with any weapons at his disposal.

  4. If we are so scared of Putin’s threats then what if he goes “give me Estonia or i will nuke you”, will the same “escalation” rhetoric still be shouted?

  5. Nice of him to remind people of that. Helps with the ever growing mass of people that are still afraid of them

  6. Part of me is pondering why this would need to be said. Putins a nut in general and in many circumstances I could see this kind of comment as a taunt. The only reason I’m not at all worried about it? Putins a textbook Narcissist at minimum.

    You can rest assure he needs us just to get through his own sad life. Narcissists will never sacrifice even the possibly of their own well being.

    Edit: grammar.

  7. This is very obviously Putin’s war – not Russia’s. That helps a lot here because it makes it possible for Ukraine to call his bluff on the rhetoric and remind the world that this is a man that locked himself away and wouldn’t let anyone get within 20 ft of him during Covid times. Remember the table?

    The Russian military wants nothing to do with a nuclear war. They know the inevitable outcome and that the only logical use of nuclear weapons with NATO on the other side is as a deterrent. This is how the Cold War pays dividends – everyone sees how norm violating and hopeless Putin’s behavior is more clearly.

  8. Russia pals like China, North Korea and India would all probably respond kindly to the idea that the taboo is gone and they can all get nuked on moment’s notice from here on.

  9. Honestly the world should be over putins threats. He can kill his own people. But he aint doin shit to other countries. All bark no bite.

  10. I’m concerned that once Putin realizes it’s all over he’s going to press all the buttons at once.

  11. I don’t get how they could even get any generals to set off the bombs in the first place, they know they will die minutes later if they do

  12. NATO probably warned Putin… if he used nuclear weapons there would be nothing to stop NATO from assassinating him.

  13. Putin’s kids live in Europe and a lot of the oligarch’s kids too, including Lavrov’s stepdaughter. They won’t do anything.

  14. I predict that there is a process underway to stock Ukraine with a trove of long range weapons, and that there will be a spectacular fireworks show before end of year

  15. President of Ukraine in response to nuclear annihilation threat: *YOU WON’T!*

    This guy has got to have the biggest meat and two veg in the world. God bless him and God bless Ukraine.

  16. When word got out that he had secret sons, and he was annoyed that they preferred roleplaying as Disney characters over Soviet characters, it became obvious that even Putin has things he cares for in this world. I’m sure the thought of B83s landing on them all matters to him more than all his red lines.

  17. more like none of them actually work at this point. with the sate of the rest of their military, you believe that the old soviet nukes arent currently rusting in their silos? why else would they be scrambling to show off a ‘new’ rocket

  18. Play stupid games win stupid prizes Ukraine. The first one won’t hit anyone but it will be bigger than you would expect.

  19. Putin knows the moment he uses a nuke he’s finished. All of NATO would topple his government faster than Saddam Hussein hid in a spider hole.

  20. The Nash equivalency prevents it. He and his friends still have a lot to lose. If Hitler had the bomb when he killed himself, he absolutely would have taken all of humanity with him. The only hope in winning a war in Russia is by disabling their nuclear capabilities first.

  21. Even if Putin wants to die and order a nuke strike. He cannot be sure everyone along the chain of command also wants to die and will pass on the the order.

  22. Putin needs to not know when the end is coming, because he seems like the type to want to take the rest of us with him.

  23. Dictators are inherently cowards. Those with an ego big enough to turn their countries into brutal autocracies will value their own life over everything else, particularly over their own people.

  24. I’m fully with Ukraine, but I’m not sure taunting a psychopath about his willingness to use world-destroying weapons is necessary.

  25. Or he just realizes nobody wins in mutually assured destruction? Enough countries now have nuclear capability that it’s all a deterrent for future use. Nuclear war is a huge nothing burger. Don’t even sweat it

  26. I hate to say this but with the way Russians operate and maintain there is a good chance the US could disable them with a first strike. Not that I advocate for that but there must be some doubt that they can legit use a nuke and get away with it. I wouldn’t expect to.

  27. If this is in fact the case, then the U.S. government should send a one time supply of nukes to Ukraine to force Russia to surrender.

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