Climate Movement Says ‘Hurricane Helene Must Be a Wake-Up Call’ | “To those insisting that, ‘This is not the time!’ to have those other conversations, I say: This is *exactly* when we need to be having them.”

Climate Movement Says ‘Hurricane Helene Must Be a Wake-Up Call’ | “To those insisting that, ‘This is not the time!’ to have those other conversations, I say: This is *exactly* when we need to be having them.”

by crustose_lichen

  1. People on the r/NorthCarolina are getting dragged for bringing up politics “at a time like this,” meanwhile Project 2025 is trying to gut Federal Emergency funding and 1/3 of Congress denies climate change entirely.

  2. The same week wake up call that Katrina was supposed to be or is this a different wake up call

  3. Scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades. Democrats and Republicans both alarm deaf.

  4. The reason we continue down this path is because there are no wake up calls for people. We humans are pretty much lemmings and I doubt this will change anybody’s behavior. It hasn’t in the past.

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