Sucks to be kicked out for who you are huh?

Sucks to be kicked out for who you are huh?

Posted by Content-Boat-9851

  1. “But, but, but they might get the “GAY” all over everything and it’s not like you can just wash it off!”

  2. Of course they weren’t going to let him in, he was asking for a secluded dimly lit booth seat for one. And no one at the restaurant was given advanced warning that a VP campaign entourage would be showing up and demanding service.

  3. They didn’t actually say he couldn’t go into the restaurant, they said he couldn’t host a campaign event there.

  4. why would we ask for consent to hold an event there?

    when you’re a star, they just let you do it.

    You can do anything.

    Grab ’em by the pussy.

    You can do anything.

  5. I’m so sick of them and their fake ass morality.

    I hope they don’t hurt too many innocent people when they throw their inevitable tantrum.

  6. getting kicked out for being a terrible person (Vance) is not the same as getting kicked out for existing differently (gay people)

  7. The gay people made a choice to be gay. Vance can’t change the fact that he is an insufferable weaponized potato. /s

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