Kemi Badenoch maternity pay comments spark Tory row

Kemi Badenoch maternity pay comments spark Tory row

by topotaul

  1. You’d think they’d have learned from Liz Truss that this kind of user libertarian nonsense doesn’t work.

  2. She’s amazing. Get her the top job that way Keith will have time to learn how to be an energising PM.

  3. Same lobbyists behind Kemi as Liz?

    They get their messaging from elsewhere. They don’t spontaneously think of this kind of stuff.

  4. For god’s sake Kemi don’t speak your mind and reveal your true self it is toxic with the public.

  5. Cheese and rice!! If this iiis what the conservatives are punishing, the likelihood of them remaining a party is diminishing….

  6. What the fuck are these idiots doing?
    Of all the things to fall out over when you’ve just lost power they continue to look out of touch and confused.
    If it isn’t giving opinions that fly in the face of policy when they were in power, triggering the “well you had 14 years why didn’t you do anything about it”, it’s shit that nobody was worried about like this.

  7. She’s been in the news a lot lately with some pretty horrific takes. They call her a conservative leadership candidate, but I feel like she’s already won

  8. They aren’t the ‘traditional’ conservatives of the Thatcher era, Farage made sure of that when he told UKip to become Tories and take over the party. Their entire agenda now is dog whistle politics in a race to the bottom.

  9. I’m surprised people have only been shocked by her opinions on Maternity pay, she seems opposed to the basic functions of government or the very principle of taxation.

    *”statutory maternity pay is a function of tax, tax comes from people who are working. We’re taking from one group of people and giving to another. This, in my view, is excessive.”*

    She is then asked to clarify if she considers maternity pay to be excessive, *for the sound bite of the day* but she clearly starts out saying *tax itself* is “excessive”

  10. It’s actually possible the tories have found someone thicker than the lettuce loser.

    Imagine supporting this utter shower.

  11. This is why these ultra libertarians like Farage and Truss all prefer to go to America

    They can say what they actually think and it is mainstream, uncontroversial and will get them an invite back for more grifting.

  12. They want less immigration, but want to limit the amount of births by making maternity leave more difficult?… Same anti immigration party that had more immigration than any other party… they really are a shit show of contradictions…

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