Monday Morning M’Thread (30 Sep 24)

Ah Monday, how we love you so. For a given value of love, mostly the “bugger this for a lark, I’d much rather be in bed still” variety.

It is of course the last day of September today, so before we toddle into October, do drop in and have a chat – what’s on for your Monday?

by dexbydesign89

  1. I’ve had a very detailed dream about having a below knee amputation and it’s made me feel funny all morning

  2. I’m on a train. Normally I’d be quite excited about this because I like trains, but I’m on my way to a hospital appointment that could take hours. Hopefully it won’t, but there are a thousand other things I should be doing instead, and will still need doing when I get home.

  3. It’s my first day back to work after my holiday last week. Went to Rhodes for my first holiday in two years and it was a blast so the Monday Dread is real this morning. 

    Any suggestions for next holiday location to give me ideas to look forward to are most welcome!

  4. Weather is utterly shite and I need to get up and get ready for work but I really don’t want to move

  5. Second night under the winter duvet. Just want to sleeeeeep…

    Up at 7 for exercise. Pretty standard day ahead!

  6. Last day of the month, so don’t forget to take your meter readings tonight before the prices go up again tomorrow.

    Today, I shall be helping my boss write a briefing and pitch deck for a potential new client. I would like to take this opportunity to wish harm upon the inventor of Powerpoint.

  7. It’s my final day at my employer after 9½ years, so I’ve been lying wide awake in bed since about 5.30 thinking about all the shit I still need to put into my handover before IT kick me out of my account (it’s been a really fast leaving date).

    Tomorrow morning I’m off south to see some of my oldest friends and go do some nice things for myself, so it’s also a factor in the not sleeping thing as I’ve not even started packing yet.

  8. I am very tired, not helped by going to the gym this morning at the crack of dawn.

    I need to pop out on my lunch break to drop off some documents for my partner, then I’m seeing a friend for coffee this afternoon, then I need to get my trusty hot glue gun out and do some more wedding DIY.

    And then bed. I put the winter duvet on last night so it’s really nice and cosy.

    And then it’ll start all over again tomorrow morning at 5.25am 🙃

  9. It’s month end for our team so today will mostly be me scanning spreadsheets trying to find where I made an inevitable typo on our income…if the day goes off without a hitch I’m having takeout for dinner as a treat 😅

  10. Booked today and tomorrow off. Might be rainy but going round some garden centres and grabbing lunch with a friend today – looking forward to seeing all the festive/autumn shite they have and buying too much of it!

  11. I had a nightmare and woke myself up at 3am shouting. My cat was very confused. I hope the neighbours didn’t hear.

    I need to spend today catching up on my course as I lost several days to endometriosis last week. I really enjoy the practical stuff but the reading is so boring.

  12. Asda tills are down and the Tesco by me is closed for a month, I have no milk or coffee at work

  13. Am taking my last day of leave before the new holiday year starts, which is nice. However I am full of cold that came on Saturday night and feel like shite. So I know I need to rest but also hate ‘wasting’ a day of leave like this. Would much rather be doing something cool with it.

  14. I haven’t been able to shift whatever lurgy i’ve got this time and my body just can’t catch a break at the moment. I’m spending the day hidden under a cover whilst working and there’s 0.1% chance i’ll put my camera on for anyone.

    I’m meant to be in the office tomorrow where our department has a team building afternoon with a company we’re partnering with for some of our system/process upgrades. I’m doubtful i’ll go in for that or join remotely because a) I feel like crap and b) I don’t even interact with this company – that’s a developer thing and not within helpdesk/projects.

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