Hello everyone. I am writing my university thesis about the investments from the Gulf-states on Football. One part of the thesis is about the reactions from the fans to them. If you have a 5 minutes I would appreciate if you filled this form about your opinion. (no e-mail or personal data needed)

Hello everyone. I am writing my university thesis about the investments from the Gulf-states on Football. One part of the thesis is about the reactions from the fans to them. If you have a 5 minutes I would appreciate if you filled this form about your opinion. (no e-mail or personal data needed)

by Wide_Thought7589

  1. I’ve not got too much of a problem with these countries looking to expand football in their country, it’s great to see countries outside of Europe in the sport.it also provides a place for older or less skilled players to play at a more comfortable level for them, as European Football is known for its intensity and physicality.

    I think the issue is how they’ve gone about it, pumping a tonne of money into their clubs and buying up superstars rather than expanding their youth academies and producing talented players from their own countries/populations, which may make their investments more sustainable in the long term. 🙂

  2. How’d you be able to filter out spam replies without any identification? Very cool project though! Please post the results when you’re done.

  3. No offence, but this form doesn’t feel finished. If you want to get proper data for your thesis, you may want to go back and iron it out a bit.

  4. Hey, I filled out the survey. I’m one of the Manchester City supporters pre takeover (since 2003!!) and I’m happy to have shared my opinion.

    Good luck on your thesis!

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