Some details of Ukraine’s victory plan will remain secret, Yermak says

Some details of Ukraine’s victory plan will remain secret, Yermak says

by KI_official

  1. I don’t believe in any “victory” or any plan of it, until fundamental problems are resolved: corruption, lies, incompetent command leading to loss of soldiers’ lives, constant guided bombs and ballistic missiles, as well as inadequate training of recruits and overall bias and cover-ups in the military.

  2. As it should. There’s a mole high up close to the president/pentagon. That’s why the Kursk invasion was successful because it was kept secret even from US.

  3. The whole “victory plan” should have been kept secret, except for allies whose weapons are required for the plan to succeed.

    Russia also will now dismiss elements of the “victory plan” as being…elements of the “victory plan!”

    That Zelensky had to publicly promote this “plan,” instead of privately enacting it with allies, points to the poor relations Zelensky has with Ukraine’s main supporter. Perhaps Biden and Co have grown tired of being called “pussies” by Ukrainian supporters.

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