UK warned it is ‘vulnerable’ to missile attack

UK warned it is ‘vulnerable’ to missile attack

Posted by Alex09464367

  1. Well, just tell the whole world…
    Better hope Israel doesn’t find out they may have to launch some targeted strikes.
    I’m sure they can find some justification in their mythology as to why the British Isles were promised to them.

  2. “No European NATO air forces have sufficient expertise or munitions stocks to conduct suppression and destruction of enemy air defences (SEAD/DEAD) at scale”

    “The UK is heavily dependent on US assets for air defence, particularly in suppressing enemy air defences”

    I don’t think it’s wrong to say that Europe was definitely acting complacent after the fall of the USSR and suddenly with Russia back active again, they have been caught unaware.

    Controversial take but could a better prepared and armed Europe be able to put more pressure on Russia?

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