The Seven Deadly Sins of Western Europe

The Seven Deadly Sins of Western Europe

by generalscruff

  1. Look at Ireland trying to sneak back in with the relevant countries after they ran away from home. Nice try Paddy, we see you.

  2. i will have you know that our sloth is perfectly matched by our lust and our gluttony so you may just spread our flag over those 3 thank you very much

  3. It’s a little bit funny in that if you put all these things together it actually in a strange kind of way describes OP perfectly?

  4. why is greed not Austria? They are still doing business with the Russians and in Russia after all…

  5. “[Pride]( (*superbia*), also known as [hubris]( (from %5BAncient Greek]( %5Bὕβρις%5D( or futility, **is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list**, the most demonic.[^([39])]( It is also thought to be **the source of the other capital sins**.”

    Mouaahahaha…. The BEST again ! Moreover the SOURCE of all your sins ! You are just lesser demons… Bow down before your Master, Peasants !

  6. Surely Germany would be envy because they wish had everyone else’s land. Come to think of it Britain could be envy too for the same reason

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