German Minister Breaks Ranks on Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine | German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed support for Ukraine’s request for long-range Taurus cruise missiles, putting herself at odds with Chancellor Olaf Scholz

German Minister Breaks Ranks on Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine | German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed support for Ukraine’s request for long-range Taurus cruise missiles, putting herself at odds with Chancellor Olaf Scholz

by bloomberg

  1. Just to clear some of the misconceptions around Taurus. Just on its own, it is not a Wunderwaffe. It would be on par with Stormshadow.
    What gives it its long-range stealth is a data centre that compiles the petabytes of satellite data so that the rocket can weave around individual trees.
    If the data centre remains in Germany, then approach data has to be compiled in Germany, and Germany would be taking an active role in the war.
    If the data centre gets packed up and shipped to Ukraine, then Germany would lose the capability for a decade and it would take years to train Ukrainian personnel on the system.

  2. Scholz’s days are counted anyway. Hes very unlikely to get a second term and he has become quite unpopular with the People. Baerbock is unpopular as well but regarding the war in Ukraine she tends to make way better decisions than Scholz does. Shes doing the right Thing.

  3. Baerbock seeks attention. Her Party she stands for lost 6 election in a row. Their days are numbered. They try to find to attract remaining people who are against russia but are no lefties or ecofashists. It sound complicated but dont pay attention to germany until September 2025 when new elections take place. Or the current goverment dissolves.

  4. If it can do what Scalp/Storm Shadow can (or more) then Ukraine should have been given it at the same time as those two. If there is something engineered into the missile which Germany is precious about then it can be engineered out and maybe the makers of Scalp/Storm Shadow can offer assistance to bring it in line with what you are making appear to be an older/lesser system. Has that approach been considered?
    Scholz has blown hot and then cold since this invasion started.

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