Opinion: According to the Bible Trump is an antichrist

Opinion: According to the Bible Trump is an antichrist

For this Reformed Christian, Trump is an antichrist. Let me tell you why.

Posted by infinitum3d

  1. THE anti christ. Literally checks all the boxes. Trump tower’s street address is 666, ffs. Part of the prophecy: you will wear the number of the beast on your foreheads. Yup. Christians will know the prophecy and follow him anyway. Check. It’s really wild. Enough to make a believer out of you, but Christianity is so compromised,  I can’t 

  2. The evangelicals spent soo much time warning of the coming of the Antichrist, and when he arrives they buy a bible from him… ^^

  3. You have to realize that religious people are just brainwashed sheep. The ones pulling the strings at the top are not in it for the religion, they are only using the religion and the Bible as a means of power and control. Brainwash these kids at a young age with threats of eternal damnation. Tell them how to think and act. It’s the perfect Ponzi scheme.

  4. He’s a whiney, wimpy old man who has convinced some people that he is a tough guy, he’s capable of convincing some people of just about anything.

  5. Most people have known that for a long time. I wonder why Christians are so slow on the uptake?

  6. You would think The Antichrist would be smarter, more intellectually curious, and not need diapers.

  7. According to the law, Donald Trump is a convicted felon and a rapist. Anrichrist iis just gravey for the goose

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