I need we need to organise an intervention for Sweden

I need we need to organise an intervention for Sweden

by miragen125

  1. **Imperialist Sweden:** 

    Realizes we’re too few to do traditional war things. 

    Were good at viking. But too kind and comfortable now.

    Import new violent population and send to raid.


  2. Are we allowed to say that r/ europe is heavily bipolar? We all know who are the gang members and how “native” they are to Sweden. The white chick in the pic is just an insult to reality.

  3. Unfortunately this is a phenomenom that will likely spread to more and more places in Europe.

    Segregation isnt the only reason its happening right now, there are other crucial ingrediences. The ones Id say Id mention as most important: direct inflow of drugs into Sweden (as opposed to indirect through primarily ports in Benelux which was the old norm) and social media.

    So, what creates the mix?
    * Cheap cocaine and a big market for cocaine.
    * Areas outside larger cities that struggle with problems related to segregation and other socio-economic problems.
    * Social media making it extremely easy to recruit people to commit murders.

    Why did it happen in Sweden first? Most peoples intuition is “immigration”, but do anybody actually think this is what separates Sweden from NL, Germany, France, etc? These countries have the exact same problem, probably in many ways bigger, when it comes to segregated areas outside major cities. Denmark and Norway have these problems.

    What is unique with Sweden is that we havent had the same degree of organized crime before. This has partly left us less equipped to handle heavy criminals juridically (even though this is changing), but even more importantly it created an insane market competition between new, smaller, less well organized groups, as opposed to very established syndicates with well established territories. This in turn made violence spiral out of controll faster, and it made people more creative in using new technology in their methods.

    But now these new methods are here, and it is spreading into our neighbours. Especially in Denmark this is happening right now, with existing criminal networks in Denmark using “murders for hire” from Swedish networks. Essentially group a in Denmark contact group b in Sweden who in turn essentially specialized in using social media to find people ready to kill for money.

    But my guess is that this approach to crime is just waiting to be used in other parts of Europe too. How easy it has become to get people killed simply change the dynamic of crime completely, and no group that want to maintain dominance over an area can afford not using this approach against their competition.


    On the bright side the peak seems to have been reached in Sweden, and the situation seems to be starting to improve. But it will probably take at least a decade to fix this.

  4. >”We are hearing from police officers who are out on the street that there have been group formations around shopping centers. There are children under the age of 18. **There are no confirmed cases of serious crimes, but they are being used for stealing things**”

    Oh so it’s all bullshit made up starting from some very classic teenage shit.

    I am old enough to remember almost every teenager stoling something once, even just some alcohol, just because it was forbidden. Classic underage stunts.

  5. More like Icelandic criminals have to hire Swedish kids to commit crimes for them because they’re too scared.

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